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It's All About Learn Quran Centre Uk

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3 Easy Steps

Start learning Quran with us today in​

We have developed a very easy online registration process. So, register yourself or your children or your relatives and friends with us today and start taking the 3-days free trial class.


Step 01

Fill the form below and call on our number.


Step 02

After receiving your Quran learning registration we will contact you again to arrange a timings of your choice and convenience for the free trial class.


Step 03

Log in to our student portal with the provided credentials and start taking your first free trial class by choosing one of our male or female Quran teacher.

Why choose

Learn Quran Centre for study?

Fee and Packages

You can choose from the following timings and days according to your choice and convenience, and can also opt for weekend courses/ classes.
And after 3 days of free trial classes, you can take full advantage of the family discount.
You can also schedule your desired timings and days which are not mentioned here.


5 Days in a week
  • 20 Classes Per Month
  • One to One Live Class
  • 30 Minutes/Live Session
  • 2nd Student 10% off


4 Days in a week
  • 16 Classes Per Month
  • One to One Live Class
  • 30 Minutes/Live Session


3 Days in a week
  • 12 Classes Per Month
  • One to One Live Class
  • 30 Minutes/Live Session


2 Days
  • 8 Classes Per Month
  • One to One Live Class
  • 30 Minutes/Live Session

Our Courses

What People Say?

Abdul Rehman London UK

My two sons have read and memorized the Quran from Learn Quran Centre in very short time. The tutors of Learn Quran centre are very hard working ,experienced and time bound. And the courses are also very easy, so I advice others to choose learn Quran Centre for learning Quran. InshaAllah you will get benefit. Thank you

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Arham Birmingham UK

Since there is no mosque or Islamic center near our house I am very worried that how my children will learn the Quran. then one of my friend told me about learn Quran centre that is very useful for teaching Quran online. Academy is a reliable I got my children admitted in at the same time. Alhamdulilah, I am very happy with Quran centre May Allah accept their hard work. . I recommend others to learn the Qur'an from Learn Quran Centre.

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Hamna Bradford UK

My daughter used to learn Quran in various academies. But I can never forget the help and guidance provided by Female tutors of Learn Quran Centre to my daughter to learn Quran with Tajweed. Now my daughter is becoming a confident Qaria. And she keeps waiting for her classes to learn more. My sisters who wish to learn Quran online must try female tutors of Learn Quran Centre Once. Thank You

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Ali Liverpool UK

I work in a company and learn Quran only on Saturdays and Sundays. Learn Quran Centre has made it easy for me to choose the weekly times for my online Quran classes. Alhamdulillah I really enjoy learning with my tutor on Weekend’s. He boosts my confidence. Learning Quran with Learn Quran Centre is nothing less than a blessing for busy people on Weekends.

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Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.