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Teaching Quality Assurance Learn Quran Centre

Quran Centre online:

We are teaching the Holy Quran globally and we have been concerned for a long time that some how we can make the teaching of the Holy Quran easier and more accessible to all Muslim families living in the world with online support. We keep trying hard and finding new ways of learning.

So far, a large number of students have completed various courses and attained their diplomas from Quran center online. And student from different continents and more than twenty five countries like USA, UK, Australia, Europe etc are studying.

We take 100% responsibility for the results and never compromise on teaching quality with the growing number of users worldwide.

Quran center take special measures to ensure that the process of learning the Quran is easy and effective, so that after each lesson the students of our online Quran tutoring classes have with better knowledge of the Quran.

So we welcome students from different races and cultural background and believe that our online Quran academy is the best choice for parents and students to learn Quran.

Characteristics of teachers:

Terms of selection of teachers

We have the following conditions for appointing any person as a teacher in our academy:

Teachers training:

All Quran center teachers as well trained before they start teaching to our students.
And we also train our tutors to a high level before assigning them to students because teaching Quran online is a completely different technique compared to traditional teaching. We have separate trainers that we have hired specially to train teachers.
The training method is that after being selected for the job, the teachers undergo a one month paid training from our training staff in which they improve their knowledge of Quran, the rules of reciting the Quran, the rules of Tajweed communication skills and internet technology. Revise usage skills.
Apart from this we also organize various training programs refresher courses from time to improve and refresh the skills of our tutors, so that they can be updated according to the needs of the time and maintain the quality. Our teachers receive the following training periodicity.

Teacher student identification system:

We have a good and proper system in which teachers teaching and students reading are evaluated and their performance is reported. And we have highly qualified teachers are hired to assess the performance of the teachers.
Three times in a year i.e. after every Four months, every student has to take a test in which a test teacher listens to the students lesson and asks various questions to test the student’s lesson and asks various questions to test the student’s closed pronunciation skills the points that need improvement are include in the teacher’s work with the aim of working harder and showing positive results in the next exams. A performance report is then generated your system which is e-mailed to the students. So that the students and their parents/guidance can observe the progress of online Quran learning.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.